
Telephony and cyber attacks: what are the risks for your business?

#companytelephoneagile Telephony and cyber attacks: what are the risks? The number of online attacks continues to rise! What about telephony and cyber attacks? What are the risks for your business? Our team takes stock in this article. Telephony is ubiquitous in companies, and even indispensable in some sectors. Telephony can quickly become a security vulnerability within your company. Today, cybersecurity is a subject that concerns everyone: businesses, local authorities, associations, private individuals… There are no exceptions. However, many people don’t take the risks or the potential stakes involved seriously. Whether it’s your IT system, your website or your telephone system… Your company could be riddled with security holes! And that’s why you shouldn’t neglect them. It’s time to get ahead of the game. Protect your telecommunications, or leave it to an external service provider specialising in business telephony. Your company telephony may represent a security risk Unified communications publishers, including Sipleo, take all possible factors into account to guarantee you maximum protection. Today, business telephony is much more than a simple communications tool. It is an integral part of a company’s internal and external communications to facilitate exchanges. It can be used via a variety of media, including cordless phones, mobile phones, landline phones, PCs, laptops and tablets. However, despite these many advantages and this diversity of channels, which are crucial to internal efficiency, telephony represents a potential weakness within your company. In a world where everything is digitalised, it is important to understand, detect and even anticipate the various risks associated with corporate telephony. Sipleo, publisher of its own unified communications solution, takes these various dangers into account in order to put in place appropriate technologies that can anticipate and prevent external threats. What are the threats that your company may face? Telephony and cyber attacks: the threats your business could face 1 – Telecommunication costs The best known and most recurrent of all. Hackers use a telephone line to make continuous calls to premium-rate numbers and/or to countries where call charges are exorbitant. 2 – Eavesdropping If they are not secure, your company’s telephone exchanges can be listened in on. This means that third parties can steal very important and/or personal information about your customers or your organisation. 3 – DDoS (Denial of Service) attacks A Denial of Service (DDoS) attack consists of flooding a network with call signals in order to saturate it, then slow it down or simply put it out of service. 4 – Smishing Smishing” is a combination of the terms “SMS” and “phishing”. This practice consists of sending malicious messages aimed at recovering information or containing a virus. 5 – Vishing Vishing” is like “smishing”. It’s a word made up of two words: voice and phishing. Cybercriminals try to trick your employees into giving them lots of confidential information. How is Sipleo responding to cyber risks related to telephony? As mentioned above, many publishers take into account all possible existing and new factors to guarantee you optimum protection. This is also the case with Sipleo. It’s worth noting that the Sipleo team is the publisher of the company’s own telephony solution. So all the security data is managed in-house. Less service provider, less intermediary and therefore less risk of data theft for your company. All of Sipleo’s telephony packages automatically include all the security features: attack list, IP address ban, attack warning, security warning, black lists, IP address filter and firewall. Our equipment uses the SIPS and SRTP protocols to encrypt your end-to-end communications and ensure the security of all your telephone exchanges. What’s more, we can set up awareness-raising sessions for your staff. We believe that training is one of the most effective ways of preventing the external risks associated with your company’s telephony and unified communications. To find out more, contact Sipleo TĂ©lĂ©com on 04 94 08 65 45 or by our online contact form. Do you have any questions about our VoIP telephony solution? Get in touch with our team today! 04 94 08 65 45 Follow us:

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IPBX Sipleo: features that adapt to your business [PART 2]

#tĂ©lĂ©phoniedentrepriseagile Sipleo IPBX: the features that adapt to your business (PART 2) [CONTINUED] As promised, as due! Last month we published an article about some of the features of Sipleo. This month we reveal the rest. Mobility, telecommuting, collaborative work, monitoring, security… Features that adapt to your business and are just as important for the proper functioning of your business. Whatever your job, your responsibilities or the size of your company, Sipleo adapts to you! If you missed the first part of this article, I invite you to take a look: IPBX Sipleo: the features that adapt to your business (P1) Mobility and teleworking – 2 tools for better productivity Over time, business habits and practices evolve. Today, mobility and teleworking have an important place within certain companies. This is why it requires some adjustments, particularly for the telephony part. In its offers, Sipleo offers 2 tools to facilitate these new needs and features that adapt to your business. The softphone This softphone, only available on a computer, replaces and has the same functionality as a traditional telephone. You can call and be called, without picking up your handset or mobile phone… Everything is done from your computer using a dedicated line. Sipleo’s softphone is very advantageous for companies, as it optimizes their profitability, quality and performance: flexible tool that adapts to all structures, compatibility with Jabra headsets (and other peripherals on the market), easier set-up internal telecommuting, better long-term profitability… And more! Use case: Are you introducing teleworking within your company and you want to improve the productivity of your employees and reduce your costs? The softphone is the perfect ally! With it, you can configure hotkeys to perform certain commands, mute a call, play music on hold, transfer a call, manage multiple phone lines… And many more possibilities! All functionalities of softphone SipleoMobile With SipleoMobile, the mobility of your employees is made easier! Make and receive business calls from your smartphone (iPhone or Android) using the same phone number as your landline. The Sipleo mobile application allows you to remain reachable on your professional number wherever you are; quickly carry out call transfers; create or participate in conference calls; to use the company directory; to view the call log… In short, to be able to work efficiently while traveling while using the same possibilities as in the office. Use case: your activity requires you to be on the move very regularly and you need to be reachable at any time (salesperson, real estate agent, traveling salesman, controller, truck driver, repairman, landscaper, gardener, postman , delivery person, etc.), SipleoMobile is made for your business! All functionalities of SipleoMobile Collaborative work Teamwork improves the competitiveness and performance of each company. And it becomes easier to implement when your agents collaborate with the right tools! Conference calls, sending SMS, intercom… Thanks to these small features, which adapt to your job, collaborative work is within everyone’s reach. Conference calls Centralize and manage your conference calls the way you want with Sipleo! Find all past teleconferences on the SipleoAssist tool or on your landline. From the start of the conference, add members to it, using the drag & drop functionality or right-clicking your mouse in SipleoAssist. This Sipleo feature allows you to facilitate remote collaboration and exchanges, but also to promote teamwork! Use case: if your team is teleworking and organizes recurring meetings, conference calls can be adapted to this type of use. Are your associates traveling and you need to have a quick update with them? Use Sipleo conferencing! More about conference calls Sending SMS It’s easy to send text messages to co-workers, via a single platform than switching to your chat software to send the message and get a response! On SipleoAssist, everything is centralized. In the “messages” category you can, in a few clicks, send, consult, delete or receive all your SMS, provided, of course, that you use a chip. Use case: you are working remotely or in the office and you want to question your colleagues, managers on a particular subject? Text him instantly. More about sending SMS Monitor your teams and manage availability Call recording, call statistics, Supervisor software… Sipleo has also thought of developing some tools to simplify the monitoring of your teams! Call recording Optimize your exchanges, protect your agents, train your employees… Call recording is possible with Sipleo. Obviously the reasons must be truly identified, because this practice is legally regulated by the CNIL. With Sipleo, you have the possibility to record calls globally or by tracking calls, from SipleoAssist, depending on the line and the origin of the call, a call in real time or even by defining the duration recorded conversations. Call recording allows you to better train and evaluate your teams, ensure the quality of telephone reception or even trace a call. Use case: you have just recruited a new employee and you need to train them on the cold calling or customer prospecting part. You can choose to record most of this agent’s phone calls and then see the positive/negative aspects with them when you listen back with them. More about call recording Call statistics In a business, planning is essential. The call statistics will allow you to know the flow of future calls, to organize the schedules of your employees or to improve your commercial strategy. With this tool, predict the flow of future calls based on past periods (days, weeks, months, years). This forecast will give you the possibility of anticipating and better organizing the schedules of your employees according to the days of the week. Sipleo’s dedicated interface helps you find out the duration and total number of calls made, for each extension or calls received per hour. Actionable stats that can positively impact your business strategy! Use case: do you want to optimize the working time of your employees on taking customer calls? Analyze the flow of calls at the same period, the year before and adapt their schedules accordingly. More about call statistics Strengthen the

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Call Recording and GDPR: What Does the Law Say?

#tĂ©lĂ©phoniedentrepriseagile 2023 – Call recording and GDPR: what does the law say? In recent years, call recording has been very regulated for companies. Appointment of a DPO, call recording conditions, limited storage of recordings depending on the activity, etc. One thing is certain, we cannot record just anything and anyhow!  A quick note on the regulations To begin with, in the event that the company appoints a DPO following the entry into force of the GDPR, the latter must be associated with the implementation of the tapping and/or recording of calls. In addition, the recording or listening device must be registered in the register of processing activities kept by your company. Being a very regulated practice, listening to and recording calls must respect certain rules and limits, which we will explain later in this article. Listening and calls recording: what does the law say? The call recording system is legally regulated by the National Commission for Computing and Liberties (CNIL). When this is implemented within your company, you have the obligation to inform your employees and your customers and to obtain their approval. In addition, the listening and recording of calls must comply with certain measures, including the purpose of the recording, the retention period or the authorization concerning listening and access to data. Call recording conditions Within the framework of the call recording system, only exchanges pursuing a defined objective and recognized as being a necessity (training, evaluation, quality and proof) are authorized. Okay, but what do you mean? As an employer, you have the possibility of setting up telephone recordings, which can help you achieve your objectives, while respecting the conditions set out above. Training You can record, from time to time, the telephone exchanges of your agents as part of their training. The goal is to reuse recordings as a support to highlight the positive points and the various areas for improvement. Evaluation You have the possibility of occasionally recording the telephone exchanges of your employees, in order to evaluate them. The quality Improving the quality of your customer, after-sales, technical or other service can also be a condition for call recording. The proof If you are the director of an insurance firm, a bank branch and your business is to sell contracts over the phone, then call recordings are essential! In your sector, carrying out a transaction or establishing a contract over the phone is recurrent. To protect your company as well as your employees, the recording of calls can be used as evidence for any action taken. The shelf life of exchanges However, the shelf life of telephone exchanges is limited. Indeed, it must not exceed 6 months, except text imposing a specific duration or a particular justification. Analysis documents can be kept for up to 1 year. Concerning the organizations having to prove, if necessary, the establishment of a contract, the retention period is also limited and can sometimes be provided for by a specific text. The CNIL also indicates: “A data archiving and purging policy must be put in place, in accordance with the limitation periods for the action to challenge the contract provided for by law. » Authorisation and access to listening to recordings Access to the recordings must be limited to the services concerned by the objective pursued. In the event that the recording is implemented for quality of service purposes, only the persons included in this mission can access this data. GDPR: what does the law say? Regarding the GDPR, it should be noted that the recording of a call can begin when all the parties participating in the call have given their consent. This is required by the GDPR and other EU-wide regulations, such as the ePrivacy Regulation. The ePrivacy Regulation requires that you obtain explicit consent from end users before recording a call or using any other technology that stores personal data. In addition, all parties must agree and be able to withdraw in a concrete way. The GDPR also imposes a valid and legal ground for a call recording that could collect certain information. Calls recording with Sipleo The call recording option is available on Sipleo. The goal is to allow you to achieve your goals easily and more productively. Whether for training, evaluation, improvement or establishing proof, everything is possible with Sipleo. And even its configuration! With our enterprise IP telephony solution, you can record calls in just a few clicks: Globally or tracking calls Depending on the line and the origin of the call A call in real time By setting the duration of recorded conversations From SipleoAssist Our telephony solution also offers many other scalable and customizable features depending on your activity. Interactive voice server (IVR). Computer-Telephony Coupling (CTI). Soft phone. Pre-answered. Smart settings… Our teams are working hard to bring you the best features! On top of that, our IPBX adapts perfectly to your activities: service, industry, transport, logistics, accounting, and more! It can accompany you to the office or during your various trips. Our team is continually working on new optimizations in order to meet the needs of many companies located in France, in overseas departments and abroad. Do you have an idea in mind, a complex project or a specific need? We are open to all requests and can provide you with the solutions you need! *sources : ePrivacy (cookiebot),pour%20lutter%20contre%20les%20incivilitĂ©s.Ă©cisions-enregistrement-des-conversations-telephoniques Pour en savoir plus, prenez contact avec notre Ă©quipe ! 04 94 08 65 45 Rejoignez-nous :

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