
Calls statistics

Calls statistics give you an overview of your phone conversations to improve your performance and more!

Why access your company's call statistics?

In a business, planning is essential.

Know the flow of upcoming calls

With Sipleo, you can access the statistics of your calls (incoming and outgoing). This information allows you to know the upcoming flow based on previous periods (days, weeks, months, years).


Organize your employees' schedules

The data you generate is very important. In fact, their analyzes allow you to better organize your employees’ schedules and to have a more adequate telephone reception. Thanks to this, you anticipate the number of agents to be assigned over a specific period and thus optimize their work.

Our business telephony solution makes the management of your agents and your schedules much simpler and more efficient.

Its strong point: adapting to your company!

Improve your sales strategy with calls statistics

Sipleo’s dedicated interface helps you find out the duration and total number of calls made, for each extension, or even calls received per hour. This information can also have a positive impact on your business strategy.


What are the benefits of calls statistics?

Evaluate your marketing activity

Statistics are also an important asset for your marketing activity.

For example: the statistics report generated on Sipleo allows you to measure the impact of one or more advertising campaigns and modify them if you realize, along the way, that the objectives are not achieved.

Improve user experience

From your Sipleo administrator area, you can view the statistics of all your calls (incoming and outgoing) and thus improve your performance.

Analyzing your data will allow you to understand what works more or less well and improve your customers’ experience. A successful user experience significantly improves your brand image and generates more profits in the long term.

Set up a specific organization

Thanks to the call statistics generated in your administrator area, you can set up a fairly precise internal organization.

Based on statistics for one month of the year (for example), you can compare several weeks and identify the days when the number of calls is higher. This gives you the possibility of organizing both the schedule of your employees and your telephone reception, which you can personalize, depending on the recurrence and influx of calls.


How do I find my calls statistics with Sipleo?

Access your calls statistics!

Need help generating your call statistics? Our team answers all your questions regarding the management and reading of your data.