Hospitality version was developped to give a solid anwser to customers and prospects who need to adapt Sipleo to hotels, coworking center and hospital…
A solution adapted to hotels
This “update” completes the Sipleo solution with new functions such as :
Internal or external taxation on every kind of extension (phone, group, agent…).
Generatin of CDR (call detail record) directly in a different data base to not overload the Sipleo server of production.
Possibility to copy an ensemble of extensions (a model already used). It offers the possibility to modify the whole chosen entensions in one shot.
Setting of a check in and check out system
Restriction on the use of phones after a check out
Generation of an invoice which details costs of communications made when people check out.
Invoice management and back up.
Possibility to create a IVR with an alarm clock function.
We can imagine that this hospitality version can be used in retirement homes, coworking center or hospitals, clinics… Sipleo is a solution really complete for companies whatever the business sector.