
Telecom: why use VoIP in your business?

VoIP is one of the many technological developments that have been supporting companies in their digital transformation for several years.

Mobility. Cost reduction. Growing features. Simplified use… Voice over IP with Sipleo is a real opportunity for your business!

Are you planning to change infrastructure? Discover all the information you need to know about VoIP, to help you take the plunge! 

VOIP: definition

What is VOIP? VoiP (Voice over Internet Protocol) simplifies the telephony system of a large number of companies, in a significant way.

In fact, voice over IP tools use a technology that makes it possible to transmit calls (video or voice) via the Internet.

As a result, companies no longer necessarily need to have a traditional telephone network.

Thanks to the cloud, they can easily make and/or receive calls from any medium (smartphone, tablet, computer, etc.). In addition to that, they continue to favor a quality of service identical to that offered by the operators.


This is particularly the case for Sipleo, a telephone operator and expert in business telephony for more than 30 years. In addition to calls, our VoIP solution also integrates unified communication options, including: a call center, sending SMS, instant messaging, etc.

Whatever your activity, the size or the type of services/products you offer, VoIP is an asset that should not be overlooked.

Why am I telling you all this? Because, in addition to the simple aspect of use, VoIP offers many other advantages!

Why use VoIP in your business?

Thanks to VoIP, you have the possibility of using virtual telephony systems, in other words softphones. This turns out to be much less expensive than standard telephone systems. Indeed, by going through a softphone, and in particular that of Sipleo, the costs related to the purchase, installation or maintenance of your equipment (landline telephone, DECT, etc.) are reduced. Only headphones (with built-in microphone, for example) are likely to generate low costs.

You should know that today, most companies use softphones instead of landlines. To learn more about this revolutionary tool, I invite you to read this article: “softphone: an asset for your business“.

Nowadays, installing a VoIP solution is easy.

With Sipleo, for example, you can set up your own telephone numbers (national or international) very quickly. Once the installation has been carried out by our technical team, you have access to a whole range of essential features and tools on a daily basis. Training on our VoIP solution is set up beforehand, so that your employees can use each tool in the best conditions.

In addition, you should know that VoIP solutions are more flexible than traditional solutions. Thanks to them, you can easily adapt your infrastructure according to your needs: adding additional positions/accounts during the hiring period, etc.

In addition to savings and easy management of each communication, VoIP gives you better mobility.

On the one hand, your employees can communicate with each other much more easily. In particular through several tools, including instant messaging (with SipleoAssist for example).

On the other hand, the mobility of your agents is changing. Since they can access different means of communication while on the move, setting up remote work or possible travel is now easier.

With Sipleo’s VoIP system, you have the possibility to intelligently redirect each customer to the right service. This saves time, productivity and optimizes the experience of your customers. Sipleo provides you with three essential tools for working in the office, at home or elsewhere:

👉 A telephone assistant available on computer to give you an overview of the name of the interlocutor when ringing, answering or making a call – SipleoAssist;

👉 A tool to call or pick up on your computer – SipleoPhone;

👉 Our telephone assistant accessible on your mobile, which allows you to exchange with your customers or collaborators, while using your professional number or that of your landline – SipleoMobile.

VoIP solutions have the advantage of being able to be coupled with many professional tools: CRM, ERP or other software. This allows your teams, regardless of department, to track every project or retrieve customer data at any time.

Sipleo offers the coupling of telephony to IT in its various offers. This function improves the daily life of your employees, optimizes your customer service and makes your company more competitive! Our VoIP solution links with many professional tools, including Wavesoft, Sellsy, Salesforce, EBP, Agiris… And more. I invite you to discover our non-exhaustive list of software compatible with Sipleo. Your business tool does not appear in the list? Do not panic ! Contact our team so that we can check the possibility of coupling with Sipleo.

VOIP, a strategic and intuitive solution for your business

As we have seen in this article, VoIP technology is more than beneficial for your business! In addition to its many advantages, VoIP is a strategic technology to make your business prosper and make it more efficient.

The Sipleo VoIP solution gives you the benefit of essential tools and features for your structure and the daily life of your employees.

In addition to that, it is coupled with more than 20 softwares that you and your agents use daily: CRM, ERP, professional software…

Being developed internally by our team, Sipleo has the ability to be flexible and evolve at the same pace as your company: opening of a new site, recruitment session, establishment abroad, development of a new service…

Everything is done to simplify and optimize your missions, whether you are in the office or on the move.


Do you have questions about our VoIP telephony solution? Get in touch with our team right away!

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