
Compatibilité Sipleo et Isabat

Did you know it? Sipleo is also coupled with your Isabat business tool!
Even if you don’t have the Capeb E-Deal CRM.

Sipleo & Isabat compatibility | telephony | Thanks to this coupling, you benefit from ever more adapted and optimized options!

The compatibility between Sipleo and Isabat

The compatibility between your Isabat business software and our telephony solution gives you the benefit of more than essential features:

It allows you to avoid the tedious and error-prone phase: dialing your correspondent’s number. With Sipleo, make your life easier and save time.

It gives you access to a contact database already entered and kept up to date on Isabat! So why enter or maintain a second phone book again?

Sipleo gives you the ability to regularly and automatically retrieve your contact information from your directory. This feature allows you to display on your phone the name of the correspondent as well as the activity code of the person you are talking to, in order to quickly know if they are a member or not. This makes it easier to redirect incoming calls and also saves a lot of time.

You can find this same information on SipleoAssist or on the move with SipleoMobile.

Thanks to this coupling, your daily work is optimized, your productivity increases tenfold and interactions with your customers simplified!


What are the advantages of automatic files lifting?

The automatic customer files display is a real asset, both for you, as an agent, and for your clients. In fact, thanks to this option, you respond to a customer request more quickly and your contact receives a response within a shorter time. In addition, it works on incoming calls, transferred calls but also on outgoing calls, even if you are not on Isabat.

How does automatic customer files display work?

This option works thanks to the coupling of our business telephony solution with your business software. In fact, Sipleo links your telephone sets and/or your company’s computers with the tool you use to work.

Once the connection is made, you will be able to make and receive calls with complete peace of mind!

Are you interested in the connection between your Isabat software and Sipleo?

Benefit from the advantages of combining telephony with IT and an essential option to facilitate your daily work.

For any questions or coupling requests, our team remains at your disposal!